How To Incorporate Metal Art Into Your Landscape

Metal art fits every home since it can beautify a home both inside and out. As the nice weather rolls in, enhance your yard with unique artwork. Not sure how to begin? Don't worry! We've got some great tips on how to incorporate metal art into your landscape so you can make your yard look incredible.

A Brief Explanation of Garden Art

Many homeowners incorporate garden art into their landscaping, so begin searching out ideas and shopping for the best items to decorate your yard. Metalwork made for the outdoors differs from indoor pieces because it has a special coating to lessen the risk of rust or other signs of wear.

While you can hang outdoor pieces in your home, you can't put indoor pieces outside unless it has this coating; natural elements could ruin it, so it won't last the season.

The types of landscaping art often include ceramic sculptures, metal signs, and upcycled material, just to name a few. Some individuals even consider high-quality firepits as a bit of lawn art since they increase the look of your home.

Reasons To Buy Garden Art

Adding landscape art gives your home a bit of personality and makes it stand out in the neighborhood; after all, a house should look lived in. In addition, a piece of art adds some variety to your yard and allows you to inject your style into it. As you search for the perfect item, consider your interests. If you love nature, for instance, consider buying a butterfly sign or birdhouse.  

The artwork also fills those blank spots your yard may otherwise have, and nobody wants that. By filling these gaps, you also make your yard look more put together if you have large spaces between shrubbery or flower beds.

Tips for Decorating Your Yard

Buying art for your garden is the perfect way to transform your outdoor space since it gives you the chance to get creative as you add some personal touches to the outside of your home. You can also decorate your yard to create an outdoor oasis by adding decorations to your patio.

As you attempt to incorporate metal art into your landscape, keep these tips in mind:

  • Establish a focal point
  • Settle on a theme
  • Avoid adding too much
  • Have some color
  • Remember seasonality
  • Consider different textures

By focusing on these items, you can find the perfect additions for your yard and create a space that appears expertly put together. Of course, purchasing the right piece takes time—you may even want to think up a theme or jot down ideas you have so you can envision how your yard will look before shopping for art.

Have a Focal Point

Every piece of art needs a focal point, so the eye has a place to look before evaluating the bigger picture. What does this mean? As you add art to your landscaping or garden, begin by searching for a piece that'll grab attention. While this can be something large or colorful, that's not always necessary. A unique statue or sign grabs a person's attention, as well as provides that essential focal point.

Draw In the Right Attention

By carefully choosing what art you buy, you can draw more attention to the plants in your yard. If you have a favorite bush, pick out a colorful piece to place by it to attract the eye.

Decide on the Theme

If you plan to buy various works of art, you should think up a theme for what you want. That previously mentioned nature-lover could buy a variety of pieces with flowers, insects, and animals. As you settle on a theme, you should also remember to purchase different types of art. Rather than buy several sculptures, blend in some garden signs and functional art like a decorative bench to make things harmonized.

Don't Go Overboard

Keeping your yard balanced is important, so every piece of art you buy should serve a purpose. However, by purchasing too much, your landscaping may look cluttered, and worse yet, none of the beautiful pieces will stand out. To avoid this, consider the size of your yard and buy items with purpose, then strategically space them throughout the yard.

Add Pops of Color

Even the slightest bit of color adds character to your home, and there is no limit on creativity. However, if you plan on purchasing several pieces of art, you should ensure the colors flow with one another. Clashing colors like red and green or yellow and blue will take away from the space.

Consider the Season

Depending on where you live, your climate will vary, impacting the material best suited for your area. Also, each season has different decorating trends and colors. You'll have the best pieces out by keeping up with these trends. And even better, you'll have more art without going overboard since you'll swap items out throughout the year. In summer, you can store your winter pieces to swap out your lawn decorations.

Pro Tip

If you live in an area that expects specific weather patterns such as snow, you should take time to buy the best winter art, as some pieces may not hold up. Of course, if you decorate with metal signs, you won't have to worry—especially if you mount them to your house or fence.

Add Some Texture

Many landscaping artists recommend intermixing various shapes and textures to keep things looking picturesque. Consider placing decorative rocks beside your flower beds. You could also add a monogrammed sign to your porch if you want a fun design that'll catch the eye.

Shop for Quality Metal Art

Shop for the best outdoor pieces as you prepare to release your inner artists. Remember, outdoor metal art isn't the same as indoor as it requires special coating to prevent natural elements from ruining it.

Liberty Metal Design sells handmade metal art made in the USA that'll look incredible in your landscaping! We use high-quality American-made 16 gauge steel, and plus, our metal art is powder-coated, so you can hang our signs inside or outside. Beautify your home with the best garden art for your property!

How To Incorporate Metal Art Into Your Landscape